Monday 11 February 2013

Welcome to Tantrum-free Cooking

I love to cook. I like that you can follow a recipe and produce something amazing. However frequently I have found that you can follow a recipe, do everything you’re supposed to and come away with a disaster rather than a delicious home cooked meal. That’s usually when I throw a tantrum: I hate it when things don’t go right, especially if I feel like it should have. Tantrums, however momentarily satisfying however, do not help you rescue a meal or save you from having to order an unhealthy takeaway in place of whatever nutritious feast you had originally planned.

Over the years I have learned the various pitfalls and potentially tantrum-inducing problems that can occur in a recipe and ways to head them off at the pass or deal with them should they occur. Along the way I have also gained a sense for what can be omitted from a recipe to make it cheaper, what can be substituted if you didn’t read the recipe closely enough before you started. I have also developed an understanding of what can be done to make recipes healthier without changing the appearance or flavour and when to just give in the calories and worry about it in the morning.

It is these tips that I am going to share with you on here, along with some awesome recipes, cookbook reviews and TV chef recommendations. After all, there’s no point following the recipe unless it’s a good one! 

I hope you find it useful and that it will save you from the tantrums and frustrations that beset me when I began cooking.

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